Anderson Ranch will be closed from December 23rd to January 1st. We will gladly assist you when we reopen on January 2nd. Happy Holidays!

Anderson Ranch Creating Giant Wooly Mammoth Snow Sculpture in Snowmass Village

December 9, 2010

Posted In: Anderson Ranch General, Artist Projects, Outreach, Ranch News

Tags: Anderson Ranch, Anderson Ranch artists, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, CO, news, Outreach, Ranch Events, Snowmass Village

If you’re in Snowmass Village look for a giant snowy mammoth in front of the Arrival Center at the bottom of base village.  A snowy mammoth sculpture will be created out of an 8’H x 8’W x 12’L rectangular snow block that was built compliments of the Snowmass Village Public Works Department for the Anderson Ranch Arts Center staff members and resident artists.

“We wanted to get creatively involved with the incredible Ice Age Ecosystem discovery in Snowmass Village,” said Sonya Taylor, Children’s Program and Outreach Coordinator, Anderson Ranch Art Center. “The entire staff is getting involved in the fun project.  Not only will our resident artists be involved, but staff from our development department, administration, studio coordinators and artistic directors are all working together to create the snow sculpture.”

The mammoth snow sculpture is part of the Snowmass Tourism’s Ice Age Discovery short-term marketing opportunities happening this season while winter guests are here.  Snowmass Tourism is coordinating with Anderson Ranch Arts Center to create a visible statement at a prime location in Snowmass Village. “We appreciate partners like Anderson Ranch who are reaching out to help communicate and celebrate this exciting find in unique ways,” said Sue Whittingham, Guest Services Supervisor, Snowmass Tourism. 

The Anderson ranch staff will work in three shifts on Thursday, 12/9 and Friday, 12/10 at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.; 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.  “We will continue to work on Saturday if we need to,” said Taylor.

In addition to snow, the Anderson Ranch Arts Center staff will also use wood, metal and chicken wire to make the giant tusks of the mammoth.  And just how long will the Snowy Mammoth last?   “We hope the sculpture lasts through the season depending on the weather of course,” said Sonya.  So don’t miss your chance to see the Snowy Mammoth this season. 

For more information on the Snowy Mammoth sculpture or Anderson Ranch Arts Center, contact Sonya Taylor,  Anderson Ranch Arts Center at 970-923-3181 or go to  For more information on Snowmass Village and the Ice Age Ecosystem Discovery, go to

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