Essential Images | Rebecca Kiger
July 24, 2020
Posted In: Exhibitions, Gallery Exhibitions

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Rebecca Kiger is a photographer and educator based in Wheeling, West Virginia. She has been published in the New York Times, Vox, NPR, and Time. In 2018 and 2019 she was awarded the regional Edward R Murrow award for ‘Excellence in Video’. She is approaching her third year as an artist-in-residence for the Rural Arts Collaborative and in 2020-21 will receive a grant from the Ohio Arts Council to teach photography in Bellaire, Ohio. She has contributed stills to a variety of documentary films, including the Oscar-nominated Heroin(e), Recovery Boys, and Roll Red Roll. The Recovery Boys stills were included at Photoville in 2019 in an exhibit challenging media representation of overdose in America. In 2019 she began a three-year advanced mentorship program with Ed Kashi and Jim Estrin. Through this mentorship, she continues several years of work on a long-form documentary project about her family’s life in Appalachia.
To purchase, please contact Jessica Cerise [email protected].