Theodore Benson and Hailey Walsh feature work (completed at Anderson Ranch this summer) at an exhibit at Colorado College.
Anderson Ranch Arts Center has a long-standing relationship with Colorado College, helping to foster and develop the skills of their students over the years. This summer, two Colorado College students joined the ranch for one-week courses in printmaking, and the students’ work completed at the Ranch is featured in a student exhibit at Colorado College this week.
In July, Theodore “Teddy” Benson, class of 2013, attended the “Matrix of Monoprint” workshop, taught by Deborah Oden. This course focused on the matrix of copperplate etching. Students made a series of etched plates in the first half of the week and then created a thematic body of monoprints in the second half. Students also explored other print methods to enhance their experiments with matrix, including relief, trace-monotype and folding and stencil work with eastern paper.
“I selected ‘Matrix of Monoprint’ due to my experience in the subject matter,” said Benson, who has exhibited monoprints from etched plates in his thesis show at Colorado College. “I was one of the younger students in this particular class. The majority of the students had completed undergraduate art programs and were considering, or attending, MFA programs. Valuable networking opportunities with students, assistants and professors emerged throughout the week. Consequently, I discovered the unique abilities of my peers and utilized the facilities of Anderson Ranch to advance my own techniques.”
Mr. Benson attended the workshop at Anderson Ranch on behalf of the Westcliff Foundation.
Hailey Walsh, class of 2014, also attended a workshop this summer at Anderson Ranch – “Experiments in Combining Print Media: The Mulit-layered Print.” This workshop explored techniques and strategies for creating work that combines traditional and non-traditional print-based media. Further, the class investigated ways of combining print media with other types, such as drawings, paintings and 3-D work.
“I have been working on prints consistently since my freshman year, but almost all of the work I do is in printing of other people’s work,” said Walsh. “Anderson Ranch was an incredible experience because it was the first time in a few years where I have been able to devote all of my time and energy to my own prints.”
As she begins working on her senior thesis, Walsh hopes that the experience gained at the Ranch will allow her to continue the positive momentum.
Ms. Walsh was able to attend the workshop through the Hearst Scholarship Fund, which offers tuition for undergraduate students, as well as through funding from Colorado College Venture Grant and the College’s Art Department.