Day of the Dead Art Activity
Oct 30, 2021 10:30AM-12:30PM
Located at the Basalt Regional Library (not at Anderson Ranch)
14 Midland Ave, Basalt, CO 81621
In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Anderson Ranch Arts Center and Basalt Library are teaming up to present a Day of the Dead Art Activity. Join in and create an altar with mixed media materials including paper, wood and other colorful supplies in honor of a loved one.
This community gathering is free and open to all ages. Drop by the Basalt Regional Library any time between 10:30AM-12:30PM. The event will conclude with a celebration of the altars.
El Día De Los Muertos, honra las vidas de aquellos que han fallecido. En este programa bilingüe hecho posible por la Biblioteca de Basalt y el Anderson Ranch Arts Center, crearemos altares coloridos con madera, papel de seda y otros emocionantes materiales de medios mixtos. Este programa tiene la intención de inspirar a crear sus propias tradiciones y formas de arte que honren los recuerdos de nuestros antepasados incluyendo mascotas. ¿Cómo puede recordar a sus seres queridos que han fallecido? ¿En qué se parece o es diferente al Día de los Muertos? En este programa se enfatizará la historia, formas de arte, cuentos populares y lenguaje de esta festividad mexicana y latinoamericana. Expondremos nuestros altares al final del día con una exhibición de celebración. ¡Las familias son bienvenidas a acompañarnos!

Oct 30, 2021 10:30AM-12:30PM
While You're On Campus

The Ranch Café
Open to the public for lunch from June to September.
The Café is a social hub where students and visitors gather to discuss ideas, plan for new creative experiences, and reflect on shared teachings. Join us for a beautiful buffet lunch offering fresh salads and rotating hot items.

ArtWorks Store
Art supplies, fine crafts, and gifts.
Store Hours (October – May): Monday – Friday, 1-5PM

Patton-Malott Gallery
This gallery space on the Anderson Ranch campus is home to contemporary and rustic ranch architectural elements and provides the backdrop for rotating exhibitions throughout the year.
Gallery Hours (October – May): Monday – Friday, 1-5PM