Visiting Artist Lecture: Betsy Schneider
Mar 5, 2024 5:30PM-6:30 PM
Join us for a conversation with Visiting Artist Betsy Schneider, who will be at Anderson Ranch from March 4th – 16th, 2024.
Visiting Artist Lectures are free, open to the public, and available in person or via livestream.
Stick around after the event and join us for dinner! A buffet dinner will be served for $33.40 per person immediately following each lecture. An RSVP is required at least 72 hours before the event so we can prepare for an accurate headcount.
For the past thirty years, Betsy Schneider has been on a quest to photograph the people in her life; her children, family, friends, mentors and strangers with whom she shares traits or life experiences. She often revisiting these relationships over time to capture, preserve, protect and proclaim what it is that we hold sacred. Her photographic practice could be described as ritualistic and fiercely devoted. Projects are often long-term endeavors, photographs accumulate over months and years, often resulting in hundreds of images creating meaning through repetition and time. Her recent work explores the dimensions of her own identity through photo/video portraits that explore common experiences and traits, defining herself through connections and commonalities with others.
Schneider’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and is part of many notable collections. In 2011 she was named a Guggenheim Fellow and spent the following year photographing and creating videos of two hundred and fifty thirteen-year-olds, resulting in a solo exhibition that included a feature length film and a book published by Radius in 2017. Her current project forthcoming in 2023 as an exhibition, video and book The Best Girl on the Team consists of 50 interviews and portraits with people who have been the only girl on a sports team.
She holds a BA from the University of Michigan, a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and an MFA from Mills College in Oakland, California. Since 2002 to 2016 she has been on the faculty at the School of Art at Arizona State University, in 2016 she gave up tenure and relocated to the Boston Area. Since then has worked remotely for ASU where she designed, developed and currently directs one of the only full-online photography BFA programs in the country. She also teaches in person at Emerson College and has been visiting faculty at Hampshire, Harvard, MassArt and Wellesley. She is a founder of FotoFika a workshop with guests that began during the early days of the Covid Pandemic.

Mar 5, 2024 5:30PM-6:30 PM
While You're On Campus

The Ranch Café
Open to the public for lunch from June to September.
The Café is a social hub where students and visitors gather to discuss ideas, plan for new creative experiences, and reflect on shared teachings. Join us for a beautiful buffet lunch offering fresh salads and rotating hot items.

ArtWorks Store
Art supplies, fine crafts, and gifts.
Store Hours (October – May): Monday – Friday, 1-5PM

Patton-Malott Gallery
This gallery space on the Anderson Ranch campus is home to contemporary and rustic ranch architectural elements and provides the backdrop for rotating exhibitions throughout the year.
Gallery Hours (October – May): Monday – Friday, 1-5PM