Visiting Artist: Jason Schneider
Jul 9 - Jul 15, 2023
Jason Schneider is a studio furniture maker who works with traditional woodworking processes in non-traditional materials to create unique three-dimensional objects. His work reveals the inherent beauty and character of corrugated cardboard in both functional and sculptural forms. The study of the fine use and function of this low-status, recyclable, and often overlooked material drives his curiosity.
Jason Schneider received a BFA in Furniture Design from William Paterson University and an MFA in Furniture Design from San Diego State University. His work has been widely exhibited at the Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Snowmass, CO; Aspen Art Museum, CO; Center for Art in Wood, Philadelphia, PA; Museum of Craft and Design, San Francisco, CA; and the Neuberger Museum, SUNY Purchase, NY; among others. Schneider is currently an Assistant Professor in the Woodworking and Furniture Design program at Northern Michigan University (Marquette, MI).

Jul 9 - Jul 15, 2023
While You're On Campus

The Ranch Café
Open to the public for lunch from June to September.
The Café is a social hub where students and visitors gather to discuss ideas, plan for new creative experiences, and reflect on shared teachings. Join us for a beautiful buffet lunch offering fresh salads and rotating hot items.

ArtWorks Store
Art supplies, fine crafts, and gifts.
Store Hours (October – May): Monday – Friday, 1-5PM

Patton-Malott Gallery
This gallery space on the Anderson Ranch campus is home to contemporary and rustic ranch architectural elements and provides the backdrop for rotating exhibitions throughout the year.
Gallery Hours (October – May): Monday – Friday, 1-5PM