Visiting Artist: Michael Puryear
Mar 12 - Mar 31, 2021
Michael Puryear is a nationally recognized designer and furniture maker. He is self-taught, learning his craft through reading and experimentation, and has been practicing his craft for more than 40 years. His work has been exhibited in numerous museums and galleries around the country, including the Museum of Arts and Design, New York, NY; The Mint Museum, Charlotte, NC; and the Peabody-Essex Museum, Salem, MA. His work has been featured in many publications including Makers: A History of American Studio Craft published by the University of North Carolina Press and Furniture with Soul: Master Woodworkers and Their Craft published by Kodansha. His work is found in the collections of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Rockefeller University Collection, The Newark Museum of Art, and the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture.

Mar 12 - Mar 31, 2021
While You're On Campus

The Ranch Café
Open to the public for lunch from June to September.
The Café is a social hub where students and visitors gather to discuss ideas, plan for new creative experiences, and reflect on shared teachings. Join us for a beautiful buffet lunch offering fresh salads and rotating hot items.

ArtWorks Store
Art supplies, fine crafts, and gifts.
Store Hours (October – May): Monday – Friday, 1-5PM

Patton-Malott Gallery
This gallery space on the Anderson Ranch campus is home to contemporary and rustic ranch architectural elements and provides the backdrop for rotating exhibitions throughout the year.
Gallery Hours (October – May): Monday – Friday, 1-5PM