Kristin LeVier
Kristin LeVier creates contemporary sculpture at the intersection of art and science. Her award-winning work has been exhibited widely and featured in books and magazines including American Craft and in her TEDx talk The Art of Science. Her studio is in Moscow, ID.
Kristin's Links:
Kristin's Upcoming Workshops

Level I
Students are new to Furniture Design & Woodworking and have no formal training.
Level II
Students have experience working with stationary machines and power tools and are familiar with basic principles of joinery and 3-D design.
Level III
Students have some formal training in 3-D design, experience with a variety of materials and fabrication processes, and know how to use machine and hand tools competently and safely. Students have a portfolio of their artwork.
Aug 25 - 29, 2025
Carving with Power: From Basics to Beautiful Sculpture
Kristin LeVier
Tuition $1,240
Code W1312-25
Students use power carving to texture and sculpt wood in this technique-packed workshop suitable for all skill levels. After learning micromotor power carving basics, we study design, techniques for joining wood to construct sculptural forms, and methods for coloring and finishing projects. Demonstrations and hands-on work will prepare students to choose and work on individual projects that suit their interests. We primarily use micromotor power carvers, but employ bandsaws, angle grinders, sanders and files as necessary. Skills learned apply to the use of larger power carving tools and can serve as a springboard for larger future work.