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About Anderson Ranch:
The Anderson Ranch Arts Center is a non-profit organization and arts education institution located in Snowmass Village, Colorado. It offers a wide range of programs and resources to support artists, both emerging and established, in their creative endeavors. Anderson Ranch provides workshops and residencies in various visual arts disciplines, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, and new media. Anderson Ranch also hosts exhibitions, lectures, and events that promote artistic dialogue and engagement within the artistic community. To learn more, visit our website:
#AndersonRanch #Ranchmade #HollyRoberts #collageartist #painter #photographer
00:00 Intro
being more on top of it in terms of really seeing that it's not just something that falls out of the sky, that you have to work really hard at it. Welcome to Advice from an Artist. Every year, Anderson Ranch invites over 130 practicing artists to teach in our summer workshops. We asked them to share a piece of advice they would give their younger selves. Here's what they said.
00:26 About Holly Roberts
I'm Holly Roberts. I'm a guest faculty artist here at Anderson Ranch. I'm an artist that combines paint and photography, and I've been coming for a long time, and just think it's a very special place.
00:40 Advice: Getting Aggressive & Being Proactive
I think what I would tell myself is to be more aggressive, to be better at managing the business part of it, not to just expect it to happen, to take more charge of networking, of understanding the business of it, of being... more on top of it in terms of really seeing that it's not just something that falls out of the sky that you have to work really hard at it. I think that's what I tell myself.
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🔍 Key Takeaways:
• Individuality Matters: Your artistic journey is uniquely yours. Tune out external voices, even those of instructors and critics, to stay authentic to your vision.
• Be Your Own Director: The most crucial voice in your creative process should be yours. Avoid letting external opinions take the director's chair in your mind.
• Trust Your Instincts: When it comes to evaluating your work, trust your instincts. Your perspective is the foundation of your art, and it should guide your creative process.
• Advice as a Bonus: While advice from mentors and instructors is valuable, remember that it's an added perspective. Your voice is equally valid in shaping your artistic expression.
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About Anderson Ranch:
The Anderson Ranch Arts Center is a non-profit organization and arts education institution located in Snowmass Village, Colorado. It offers a wide range of programs and resources to support artists, both emerging and established, in their creative endeavors. Anderson Ranch provides workshops and residencies in various visual arts disciplines, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, and new media. Anderson Ranch also hosts exhibitions, lectures, and events that promote artistic dialogue and engagement within the artistic community. To learn more, visit our website:
#AndersonRanch #Ranchmade #StephaineLindsey #photographer #photography
Intro 00:09
the first voice that you should hear when you are creating is yours. And the voice that tells you like, yeah, this work is done or this work is good, should ultimately be yours.
Don't listen to anybody but yourself 00:40
Don't listen to anybody but yourself, even your instructors, even critics, even curators, you know why you're doing this. And when you start listening to other voices, those voices ultimately find their way into your head and they become directors as you are in your creative process. And that's probably the worst thing that could happen. The first voice that you should hear when you are creating is yours. And the voice that tells you like, yeah, this work is done or this work is good, should ultimately be yours. Everyone else is ancillary. They're icing. It's a bonus effect.
Center Yourself 01:17
There is a reason that you wanted to become an artist and trust that reason. And yeah, center yourself in your creative practice. Take advice, for sure. Listen to learned, wise instructors, mentors, yes. And trust that your voice is just as valid as theirs.
Music from Uppbeat:
License code: Z9RDPSL8WDXIYNRG
If you've ever found yourself caught in the relentless grind, missing out on the joy inherent in the creative journey, then this week's episode is just what you need. In our latest installment of 'Advice from an Artist,' we feature Guest Faculty Trey Hill. Tune in as he imparts enduring wisdom on the Art of Balancing Effort & Play.
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About Anderson Ranch:
The Anderson Ranch Arts Center is a non-profit organization and arts education institution located in Snowmass Village, Colorado. It offers a wide range of programs and resources to support artists, both emerging and established, in their creative endeavors. Anderson Ranch provides workshops and residencies in various visual arts disciplines, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, and digital media. Anderson Ranch also hosts exhibitions, lectures, and events that promote artistic dialogue and engagement within the artistic community. To learn more, visit our website:
#AndersonRanch #Ranchmade
#TreyHill #Sculpture #ceramics
Video Transcript:
Teaser 00:00
Intro 00:06
Welcome to Advice from a Artist. Every year Anderson Ranch invites over 130 practicing artists to teach in our summer workshop. We asked them to share a piece of advice they would give their younger selves.
Its Worth it 00:23
I think what I might tell myself is all that hard work is worth it. And to remember that it's fun even when it's not fun. There's hard days and it doesn't seem like you're making any tracks but you're actually getting somewhere. And then amongst all that work and all that studio time, keep that feeling positive
Play Hard 00:47
but get out and have some fun. It's good to, I mean you can't work every day of the week.
There's a combination of what's the right amount of hard work and then squeeze in a little fun.
Music from Uppbeat:
License code: Z9RDPSL8WDXIYNRG
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Exploring the impact of having an Artist Community with JJ Peet | Memories from The Ranch
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About Anderson Ranch:
The Anderson Ranch Arts Center is a non-profit organization and arts education institution located in Snowmass Village, Colorado. It offers a wide range of programs and resources to support artists, both emerging and established, in their creative endeavors. Anderson Ranch provides workshops and residencies in various visual arts disciplines, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, and new media. Anderson Ranch also hosts exhibitions, lectures, and events that promote artistic dialogue and engagement within the artistic community. To learn more, visit our website:
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00:00 Intro
It's like a shot of adrenaline and you just want to start working. So, I don't know, there's something about the ranch that just gives you superpowers. Since its inception in 1966, Anderson Ranch Art Center has become a hub for artistic communities. Over the years, these historic walls have become home to many stories. This is Memories from the Ranch.
00:26 This Changed The Course Of My Artistic Career
Yeah, I came to the ranch in 1998 as I took a workshop and then I came back and took another workshop the following year. And that sort of changed my trajectory, honestly. I worked with two different people and then I came as a resident in 1999. And being around the ranch, being around nature like this, being around the mountains, it changed my life.
It really, really did. And there's not much else that sort of was so impactful at a young age. And just having the freedom to be here, to be supported in what you make, to have access to the equipment, and to have access to other artists. I have friends that are still, I've known for whatever many years that is. And it's an amazing thing to be able to come back here off and on. And I've come back to teach classes. I've come back as a visiting artist.
01:21 Getting to Work
and every time I walk on campus, I immediately wanna make something. I mean, it's a sort of a strange thing. You just like, it's like a shot of adrenaline and you just wanna start working. And if we go back to the class we just taught, like that was the same sort of energy. So I don't know, there's something about the ranch that just gives you superpowers.
Pursuing Transformative Spaces with John Alleyne | Memories From The Ranch
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About Anderson Ranch:
The Anderson Ranch Arts Center is a non-profit organization and arts education institution located in Snowmass Village, Colorado. It offers a wide range of programs and resources to support artists, both emerging and established, in their creative endeavors. Anderson Ranch provides workshops and residencies in various visual arts disciplines, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, and new media. Anderson Ranch also hosts exhibitions, lectures, and events that promote artistic dialogue and engagement within the artistic community. To learn more, visit our website:
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00:00 Preview
Everyone comes to this place, and they leave differently, which is almost like church in a way It's like you want to go into a church and you want to leave differently.
Intro 00:09
Since its inception in 1966, Anderson Ranch Art Center has become a hub for artistic communities. Over the years, these historic walls have become home to many stories. This is Memories from the Ranch.
00:24 Filling Your Cup
I came here feeling half-empty, to be honest. But as a result of being here for just five days, my cup is so full. I feel like I can take everything that I've learned from teaching my students, learning from them, part of those lectures and the conversations that I've had with different artists and teachers. It has been so influential to me and my practice.
00:58 Coming Full Circle
I can't stress it enough; just being here has been so fulfilling for me. And it's been full circle because I was a resident here back in 2021. So to come back as an instructor, as faculty, to teach a workshop, even though it was for five days, like it has been so inspiring just to hear conversations that I've had with my students. They feel changed. They feel...
01:26 Impact
invigorated, they feel as though that they can take what they've learned and then apply it to their practice after they leave Anderson Ranch and these walls. And it seems as though this, everyone comes to this place and they leave differently, which is almost like church in a way. It's like you want to go into a church and you want to leave differently. And so, I mean, I was raised Christian. My father's a priest. And so I look for those spaces where I can go in and leave differently and just feel fulfilled and feel like, you know, feel passionate about something. You know? And so being at Anderson Ranch, that's how I've been feeling.
Coming Full Circle with Adam Field | Memories From The Ranch
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About Anderson Ranch:
The Anderson Ranch Arts Center is a non-profit organization and arts education institution located in Snowmass Village, Colorado. It offers a wide range of programs and resources to support artists, both emerging and established, in their creative endeavors. Anderson Ranch provides workshops and residencies in various visual arts disciplines, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, and new media. Anderson Ranch also hosts exhibitions, lectures, and events that promote artistic dialogue and engagement within the artistic community. To learn more, visit our website:
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00:02 Preview
I really hadn't worked out the kinks yet, and so I kind of really failed miserably in slow motion in front of a lot of my heroes, and of course, Doug Casebeer was up above looking down over my shoulder like oh.
00:18 Intro
Since its inception in 1966, Anderson Ranch Art Center has become a hub for artistic communities. Over the years, these historic walls have become home to many stories. This is Memories from the Ranch.
00:34 The Fumble
13 years ago I was here on a scholarship, taking a workshop in the ceramic studio with some of my good friends and kind of heroes in clay. And it was really great. I was able to demonstrate some of the techniques that I had learned in Korea the previous year. It felt like such a high-pressure demonstration too. You know, they were being gracious to give me that space in their workshop. I really hadn't worked out the kinks yet. And so I kind of really failed miserably in slow motion in front of a lot of my heroes. And of course, Doug Casebeer was up above looking down over my shoulder like, oh man.
01:18 Coming Full Circle
And so, coming back 13 years later and being able to teach and one of my students actually made the realization when I finished making that similar style of pot yesterday. that that was the second pot that I made in that room, in that style. And man, the emotions hit for me. I was definitely getting emotional about that, just reflecting on some of the growth that's happened in the last 13 years and just how special it is to be able to teach here at the ranch.