Policy Information

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement (EEO) & Policy Against Workplace Harassment

Anderson Ranch is committed to the principles of equal employment. We are committed to complying with all federal, state and local laws providing equal employment opportunities, and all other employment laws and regulations. It is our intent to maintain a work environment that is free of harassment, discrimination or retaliation because of age, sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, and related conditions), race, national origin, disability, creed, religion, genetic information, ancestry, military or veteran status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local laws.

Anderson Ranch is dedicated to the fulfillment of this policy in regard to all aspects of employment, including but not limited to recruiting, hiring, placement, transfer, training, promotion, rates of pay and other compensation, termination and all other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.

Anderson Ranch will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of all allegations of discrimination, harassment or retaliation, or any violation of the EEO Policy in a confidential manner. Anderson Ranch will take appropriate corrective action, if and where warranted. Anderson Ranch prohibits retaliation against employees who provide information about, complain about, or assist in the investigation of any complaint of discrimination or violation of the EEO Policy.

We are all responsible for upholding this policy. You may discuss questions regarding EEO with your Supervisor, Human Resources or using AllVoices (Section 1.3).

Policy Against Harassment

Anderson Ranch has a strict policy against all types of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment and other forms of workplace harassment based upon an individual’s age, sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, and related conditions), race, national origin, disability, creed, religion, genetic information, ancestry, military or veteran status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local laws. All forms of harassment of, or by, employees, vendors, visitors, customers and clients are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, or any unwelcome written, pictorial or visual communication when:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of an individual’s employment;

  2. submission to, or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or

  3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

While it is not possible to identify every act that constitutes or may constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples of sexual harassment:

  • Unwelcome requests for sexual favors

  • Lewd or derogatory comments or jokes

  • Comments regarding sexual behavior or the body of another

  • Sexual innuendo and other vocal activity such as catcalls or whistles

  • Obscene letters, notes, emails, invitations, photographs, cartoons, articles or other written or pictorial materials of a sexual nature

  • Repeated requests for dates after being informed that interest is unwelcome

  • Retaliating against another for refusing a sexual advance or reporting an incident of possible sexual harassment to the Organization or any government agency

  • Offering or providing favors or employment benefits such as promotions, favorable evaluations, favorable assigned duties, or shifts, etc., in exchange for sexual favors; and

  • Any unwanted physical touching or assaults or blocking or impeding movements

Other Harassment

Other workplace harassment is verbal or physical conduct that insults or shows hostility or aversion towards an individual because of the individual’s age, sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, and related conditions), race, national origin, disability, creed, religion, genetic information, ancestry, military or veteran status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local laws.

Again, while it is not possible to list all the circumstances that may constitute other forms of workplace harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that may constitute workplace harassment:

  • The use of disparaging or abusive words or phrases, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to the above protected categories;

  • Written or graphic material that insults, stereotypes, or shows aversion or hostility toward an individual or group because of one of the above protected categories and that is placed on walls, bulletin boards, email, voicemail or elsewhere on our premises, or circulated in the workplace; and

  • A display of symbols, slogans, or items that are associated with hate or intolerance toward any select group.

Reporting Discrimination, Harassment and/or Retaliation

If you feel that you have witnessed or have been subjected to any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, immediately notify Human Resources, the President & CEO or use AllVoices (Section 1.3).

Anderson Ranch prohibits retaliation against employees who, based on a reasonable belief, provide information about, complain, or assist in the investigation of any complaint of harassment or discrimination.

Anderson Ranch will promptly and thoroughly investigate any claim and take appropriate corrective and/or remedial action where we find a claim has merit. If Anderson Ranch begins an investigation, it will endeavor to conduct the investigation in a timely manner and will keep the investigation confidential to the extent possible. In the same way, anyone involved in an investigation of harassment has an obligation to keep all information about the investigation confidential. That is why Anderson Ranch will only share information about a complaint of harassment with those who need to know about it. Failure to keep information about an investigation confidential may result in disciplinary action. Investigations will be documented and tracked for timely resolution.

When the investigation has been completed, Anderson Ranch will normally communicate the results of the investigation to the complaining individual, to the alleged harasser and, if appropriate, to others who are directly involved. If our policy against harassment is found to have been violated, appropriate corrective action, up to and including termination, will be taken against the harasser so that further harassment will be prevented. Both the rights of the alleged harasser and the complainant will be considered in any investigation and subsequent action.

Discipline for violation of this policy may include, but is not limited to, reprimand, suspension, demotion, transfer, and discharge. If Anderson Ranch determines that harassment or discrimination occurred, corrective action will be taken to effectively end the harassment. As necessary,  Anderson Ranch may monitor any incident of harassment or discrimination to assure the inappropriate behavior has stopped. In all cases, Anderson Ranch will follow up as necessary to ensure that no individual is retaliated against for making a complaint or cooperating with an investigation.

Human Resources is responsible for investigating and resolving all reported complaints and allegations concerning violations of policy, and, at their discretion, shall advise the Executive Team and/or the Executive Committee. In the event that a representative of Human Resources is involved in the complaint, the President & CEO will conduct the investigation.

Safety and Loss Prevention Policy

Commitment to Safety

Protecting the safety of employees and visitors is Anderson Ranch’s top priority. In the event of an emergency, individuals should notify the appropriate emergency personnel by dialing 8 for an outside line, then dialing 911 to activate the medical emergency services.

All employees and guests have the opportunity and responsibility to contribute to a safe environment by using common sense rules and safe practices and by notifying management when any health or safety issues are present. All employees are encouraged to partner with management to ensure maximum safety for all.

Workplace Violence Prevention

Anderson Ranch is committed to providing a safe, violence-free workplace for our employees and guests. Threats, threatening language, or any other acts of aggression or violence made toward or by any employee will not be tolerated.

“Violence” includes but is not limited to physically harming another individual, shoving, pushing, kicking, harassing, intimidating or coercing behavior, physical “horseplay” (regardless of intent), brandishing a weapon (or anything that could be used as one), etc. Threats of violence include, but are not limited to, threatening, intimidating or coercive language or talking of engaging in those activities defined as “violence” or other conduct that is perceived as potentially harmful. Joking about violence will not be tolerated.

A threat may include any verbal or physical harassment or abuse; attempts to intimidate others; menacing gestures; stalking; or any other hostile, aggressive, and/or destructive actions taken for the purposes of intimidation. This policy covers any violent or potentially violent behavior that occurs in the workplace or at organization-sponsored functions.

It is the intent of this policy to ensure that individuals never feel threatened by another individual’s actions or conduct. Individuals also have a right not to be exposed to violent, intimidating, or threatening behavior from other’s families, other providers, vendors, consultants, or other visitors. All Anderson Ranch employees bear the responsibility of keeping our work environment free from violence or potential violence.

All actual or threatened violence, both direct and indirect, including threats by employees, participants, vendors, solicitors, or other members of the public that occur during work, or that may affect work, should be reported as soon as possible to the individual’s immediate supervisor or any other member of management. When reporting a threat of violence, individuals should be as specific and detailed as possible.

Any individual engaging in violence against the organization, its employees, or its property will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. All acts will be investigated, the appropriate action will be taken. Any such act or threatening behavior may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

The Ranch specifically prohibits the possession of weapons by any person while on Ranch property, or maintaining a weapon in a vehicle in any Ranch parking area, whether public or private.

Individuals are also prohibited from carrying a weapon while working or functioning in a work-related capacity. Weapons include guns, knives, explosives, and other items with the potential to inflict harm. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken against any person who violates this policy. Individuals must report all concerns about known or suspected workplace violence to a supervisor, the President and CEO or Human Resources immediately by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]. Anderson Ranch will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of threats of (or actual) violence and of suspicious individuals or activities. Such reports will be treated as confidentially as possible and the Ranch will take action to evaluate and address the situation. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, the Ranch may suspend employees. faculty, students or subcontractors, either with or without pay, pending investigation. The Ranch will not discipline or otherwise retaliate against any Individual who raises a concern about actual or threatened workplace violence.

Youth Protection Policy

Anderson Ranch recognizes the critical importance of protecting young people who participate in our programs. For the purposes of this policy, young people or youths refers to anyone under the age of 18. Anderson Ranch is committed to taking practical steps to provide a safe environment.
The intent of this policy is to protect both the young people we serve as well as the staff, interns, faculty, and volunteers of Anderson Ranch.

Program Design

The first component of Youth Protection at Anderson Ranch is Program Design. By offering thoughtfully designed, age-appropriate educational programs, Anderson Ranch reduces the likelihood that instead of benefiting from our programs, a child will suffer harm.


All Anderson Ranch staff, faculty and interns will be screened in accordance with this policy. Screening will include at least the following:

  • Written Application: All potential staff and interns must complete and sign a written application. A false statement on the application for employment or volunteer service is grounds for ineligibility for any appointment. The application form will be maintained in the personnel files of Anderson Ranch.

  • Personal Interview: A personal interview will be conducted with the applicant by management staff to discuss the position and the applicant’s talents, qualifications, and abilities. Multiple and/or group interviews may be conducted as appropriate.

  • Reference Checks: All applicants must provide at least two (2) professional/personal references. All references will be contacted by the hiring Supervisor.

  • Criminal History Background Check: Background checks will be conducted for all prospective staff, interns, and volunteers as well as for any faculty who have a youth in their class. Any repeating participants must have a clear background check within the last two years.


All staff, interns, volunteers, and faculty will receive an orientation that includes:

  • Review and receipt of the Anderson Ranch Code of Conduct;

  • review of policies related to program safety, transportation rules, the prevention and reporting of child abuse and emergency procedures; training in recognizing signs of suspected child abuse.

Additionally, it is the goal of Anderson Ranch that most persons who work with children will maintain current certification in basic first aid and basic CPR (or the equivalent).


Careful supervision of staff, interns, faculty, volunteers, young participants, programs/activities, and facilities will be undertaken in order to create a safe environment. Specific practices that comprise this commitment include:

  • Adult Supervision: All programs involving young people will have a minimum of two adult supervisors at all times.

  • Prohibition of One-to-One Supervision: Staff, interns, volunteers, and faculty are strictly prohibited from being alone with young participants where they are not observable to others.

  • Facility Design: When youth programs are being held in rooms that do not have glass windows the doors to those rooms will remain open while programs are underway.

  • Supervision of Young People: Under no circumstances will young participants be left unsupervised.

  • Sign In Required: Visitors, including contract personnel, are required to sign-in before gaining admittance to any facility where programs serving youth are being conducted.

  • Release to Authorized Parents/Guardians Only: Staff, interns, volunteers, and faculty are prohibited from releasing young participants to the custody of any person other than authorized parent(s), guardian(s), or an individual authorized by parents in writing or verified by phone.

Appropriate Physical Contact

Children and teens often seek affection from adults. In addition, physical touch, such as a hug, can calm or comfort a child who is distressed. Because physical contact can be easily misinterpreted, Anderson Ranch has adopted the following rules:

  • Affection and physical contact should only be given to meet a child’s needs, and never to meet an adult’s needs. A child who is crying after getting hurt may benefit from a gentle hug. It is never appropriate to ask a child or teen to hug you because you are upset or “having a bad day.”

  • A gentle hug given in response to the needs of a child or teen should be a cross-shoulder embrace, not a frontal embrace.

  • It is never appropriate to touch a child in an area of the child’s body normally covered by a bathing suit.

  • Staff may never hit or strike a child or teen for any reason. If you believe that a child is a danger to himself or others, with the help of a co-worker you may gently restrain the child. Always report such incidents without delay to your Supervisor.

Two Deep Leadership

When providing assistance, lessons, or other services to a child or teen, leave the room to the classroom door open. If noise in the hallway is disruptive, make certain that you are meeting in a room that has windows to the outside or a door with a glass insert. There may be rare instances when it is impossible to avoid being isolated with a child or teen. For example, when a child’s parent has an emergency and is unable to pick them up from a program or send a trusted family member or friend. When such cases occur, you must:

  • Obtain permission from the parent to transport the child and provide details about the departure time and estimated time of arrival; and

  • notify your supervisor of the need to transport a child or be isolated with a child for any period of time and due to any reason.

Reporting Responsibility

The safety of children and teens is a top priority at Anderson Ranch. Our mission depends on the commitment of all staff to promptly remedy or report any hazardous conditions. Therefore, employees should immediately report any suspicious activity, person or circumstance to their immediate Supervisor.

Liability Waivers

All program participants are required to sign a general liability waiver as part of the Ranch’s pre-arrival process. Please click the links below to view and download the waivers.



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