Travel & Amenities
Traveling Here By Air
The most convenient way to get to Anderson Ranch is to fly into the Pitkin County Airport in Aspen (ASE). If you would like assistance booking air travel, please feel free to contact Patty Thorington at Plaza Travel. Patty is the travel agent who books Anderson Ranch faculty travel, so he is familiar with Anderson Ranch and is happy to assist students with booking travel. A ticketing fee of $40 will be assessed to cover the cost of his services. You can email her at [email protected]. Patty is normally available Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM Mountain Time).
Aspen Airport (ASE): The easiest way to get from the Aspen Airport to Anderson Ranch is by taxi. You can contact the local taxi company High Mountain Taxi (970/925-8294, or online at www.hmtaxi.com); they charge approximately $35 each way.
Most taxi drivers know where Anderson Ranch is located, but if your driver does not, just give our physical address: 5263 Owl Creek Road, Snowmass Village (behind the Snowmass Village Firehouse, next to the Snowmass Chapel). More information about local ground transportation is available online at www.aspenairport.com.
Vail/Eagle County Airport (EGE): Several airlines have service into the Vail/Eagle County airport (EGE), which is about 90 minutes driving time from Anderson Ranch.
Denver International Airport (DEN): If coming by car, please follow the directions below from Denver; allow about four hours for the drive. See adjacent travel by bus information between D.I.A. and the Aspen Snowmass area.
Traveling Here By Bus
Bustang Bus Service between Denver and Glenwood Springs: The Colorado Department of Transportation (COT) runs limited but economical bus service between Denver Union Station in downtown Denver and Glenwood Springs on the West Line (ridebustang.com). Please note that it does not stop at Denver International Airport; in order to get from the airport to Union Station (to catch the Bustang to Glenwood Springs), you would need to take the A Line Commuter Train or an RTD Public Bus. Then from Glenwood Springs you would take RFTA (see Local Bus Service below).
Local Bus Service- RFTA and the Snowmass Village Shuttle: The Roaring Fork Transit Authority (RFTA) provides mass transit (bus service) in the local area, from Aspen to Snowmass Village and from Glenwood Springs to Snowmass Village. A schedule will be posted outside the office and administration building in the winter. If you need information ahead of time, please contact RFTA at 970/925- 8484. Bus service between Aspen and Snowmass Village currently is free, but that is subject to change. In addition, the Town of Snowmass Village runs a free shuttle service throughout the town; information can be found on-line at www.snowmasstransit.com.
Traveling Here By Car
Driving From Denver: Take Interstate 70 West approximately 160 miles to Glenwood Springs (Exit 116), onto Highway 82. Follow the signs to Aspen through Glenwood Springs; continue on Highway 82 past the towns of Carbondale and Basalt; follow Highway 82 approximately 14 miles past the Basalt stop light. You will see signs indicating Snowmass Village at mile marker 35.5 – turn right onto Brush Creek Road at the stop light – and follow Brush Creek Road approximately four miles; turn left onto Owl Creek Road; and take the first left, just before the Firehouse, which leads to our parking lot.
Road and Weather Information: The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) maintains a road and weather information hotline (INSIDE Colorado at 511 or from outside Colorado at 877/315-7623) and a website (www.cotrip.org) with up-to-the-minute information on road conditions, closures, construction projects, and weather. There is also a free Smartphone mobile app, “Colorado Roads,” available from both iTunes and Google Play.
Renting a Car at the Aspen Airport: Ranch programs consume most of your waking hours, and most students find that they do not require a car while they are at the Ranch. But, if you plan to explore the area while you are here, you may want to rent a car.
The following rental car agencies are available at the Aspen Airport:
Getting Around Snowmass Village
Free shuttle stops are located nearby.
On Owl Creek Road across the parking lot behind the Painting Building, Village Route #3 picks up and goes between the Upper Mall and the Snowmass Club from 6:35AM to 11:20PM and drops off at the Village Center where the Post Office, Clark’s Market grocery store, Sundance Drug and Liquor Store and Ajax Supply Hardware Store are located.
On Brush Creek Road, on the other side of the chapel across the main parking lot, Village Route #4 picks up and goes to the Town Park and Recreation Center from 7:20AM to 6:30PM.
Dial-A-Ride: Late Night Service 970/923-3030
Snowmass Village Shuttle Info:
- 8AM-5PM call 970/923-2543
- 5PM-8PM call 970/923-3500

Snowmass Village Shuttle
Snowmass Village Shuttle times and departure locations are subject to change without notice.
Getting Around Aspen
The free community bus servicing the Aspen area shuttle stop is on Brush Creek Road, on the other side of the chapel across the main parking lot. The bus goes down Brush Creek Road to the Brush Creek Park & Ride commuter lot bus stop on Hwy 82 where you may transfer to another bus. Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA): 970/925- 8484 provides regional transportation and free bus service to Aspen Airport and local stops between Snowmass Village and Aspen.
High Mountain Taxi 970/925-TAXI (8294)
Dogs are welcome on shuttles at the discretion of the driver and must be on a leash. Please keep pets off shuttle seats.
Colorado Relay Service
This service links deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired individuals to people who can translate through the phone. When calling this number, please know your pickup and destination location.
- TTY 800/659-2656
- VOICE 800/659-3656
Groups with special transportation needs within Snowmass Village may charter Village Shuttles, subject to service regulations and availability. Please call the Transportation Department for reservations and service fees.
Area Amenities
Groceries & Drug Stores
Clark’s Market (970/923-9575) is Snowmass Village’s grocery store. It is located at the Snowmass Center, one-half mile from the Ranch, and is accessible by walking or taking the free shuttle bus.
Sundance Liquor & Gifts (970/923-5890) is also located in the Snowmass Center. They carry sundry items, cards and gifts, as well as liquor, beer and wine. Please contact Basalt Clinic Pharmacy (970/927-3833) to have prescriptions filled but request that they be delivered to Sundance Liquor & Gifts in Snowmass Village (there is a small fee for the delivery service).
Ajax Supply Hardware (970/429-4329) is also located in the Snowmass Center, Suite 210, upper level. They carry an array of basic hardware needs, and may be able to order items that are not in stock at the store.
Local Organizations
Rotary Club: Meetings Wednesdays at 7:30AM at the The Artisan (inside Stonebridge Inn), 300 Carriage Way (subject to change). Click here to confirm time and location of meetings.
Snowmass Chapel: Nondenominational Interfaith Chapel located next to Anderson Ranch. For times of services please call 970/923-6192 or check online at www.snowmasschapel.org.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Please call 888/333-9649 or 970/245-9649 or check online at www.aawesterncolorado.org to find times and locations of meetings.
Cultural Events
The Aspen area is alive with numerous cultural activities during the summer and winter seasons. You may wish to attend a concert, visit galleries, and/or have dinner. Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley are home to many excellent art galleries. If you want information before you arrive or for information about children’s programs, please contact the following:
- Aspen Music Festival Box Office 970/925-9042
- Aspen Art Museum 970/925-8050
- Jazz Aspen Snowmass 970/920-4996
For general information, please contact:
- Snowmass Village 800/679-3151 or 970/923-2000
- Aspen Chamber 877/702-7736 or 970/925-1940
Children’s Activities
Anderson Ranch Arts Center: We offer all-day children’s classes for ages six to twelve and teens (9AM to 3PM, Monday-Friday); please check our workshop pages for a full schedule of classes.
Camp Aspen Snowmass: This day camp for children (ages one year through teens) offers daily, weekly, and monthly rates. Their hours are Monday through Friday, 8AM to 4PM, from early June through Labor Day. Your child can participate in many activities, including swimming, hiking, arts and crafts, sports, games, nature study, horseback riding, tennis, and overnight camping. Please call them directly at 877/702-7736 (toll-free) or 970/923-1227.
City of Aspen Recreation Department: The Aspen Recreation Department offers summer programs for children ages five to eleven. Children must be currently enrolled in school in the Roaring Fork Valley in order to attend daycamps. For more information or a brochure, please call them at 970/920-5140.
Snowmass Village Recreation Center: The Snowmass Village Recreation Department offers summer programs for children ages five to twelve. For more information, please call them at 970/922- 2240 or online – https://www.snowmassrecreation. com/
Hiking & Biking
Surrounded by the 2.3 million acres of the White River National Forest, the hiking and biking options in and around Snowmass are truly endless. Directly accessed from Snowmass Village, hikers and bikers can explore over 80 miles of trails including everything from short outings to multi-day adventures.
Visit hike.gosnowmass.com and bike.gosnowmass.com for details.
Outdoor Activities
Outdoor enthusiasts may take advantage of some of the best wilderness trails in the Rockies for hiking, running and mountain biking. An excellent guide book is The Aspen Dayhiker, available in our gift shop. You can swim, play tennis, mountain bike, ride horses, ride a hot-air balloon, white-water raft, or fish in gold-medal trout streams. Please contact the Aspen Chamber Resort Association for more information at 800/670-0792 or 970/925-1940 or online at www.aspenchamber.org.
In the winter, experience the world-class skiing and snowboarding of Aspen Snowmass, a four mountain destination minutes away from Anderson Ranch.
Snowmass Village Recreation Center
The Town of Snowmass Village has a recreation center with a fitness center and several pool features located at 2835 Brush Creek Road next to the Rodeo Parking Lot.
Visit snowmassrecreation.com or call 970/922-2240 for further details.
The daily drop-in rate for non-residents is $15 a day for adults and $10 a day for children.
Fitness Center
- 5:30AM–8:30PM Monday – Friday
- 8AM–8PM Saturday
- 8AM–6PM Sunday
Aquatic Center
- 8AM–8PM Monday – Friday
- 8AM–7:30PM Saturday
- 8AM–5:30PM Sunday